Saturday, May 21, 2011

They'll never know.

Nancy had paid their last bill. There was no money left.

She knew there was no use keeping it from anyone. She told everyone. They had no reaction, they had been preparing for this news for a long time.

But Holly sometimes felt as though something were watching her. She couldn't quite put her finger on the feeling.

Something was going on. The fireplaces were lighting themselves just before everyone woke.

Meals were appearing upon the counter in the morning, still steaming hot.

But Holly didn't complain. Someone was looking out for them, someone cared. And so she simply continued on as though nothing was happening.

But one day, she felt an excrutiating pain in her stomach.

She knew instantly what it was. Panic gripped her, and she called out to Malcolm for help. Malcolm rushed to her aid, with Nancy close behind. Geffery came last, and, as a doctor, guided Holly through childbirth.

Hours passed.

Finally, it was over. Geffery and Nancy left with the child, Malcolm staying by his exhausted wife. A few minutes later, Geffery and Nancy entered the room again. They each held a baby girl.

"Twins?" Malcolm asked hoarsly. Geffery nodded, forcing a smile on his face. Nancy followed suit.

"Twins?" Holly asked, lifting her head. She stared at the two girls, as though she didn't think they could really be there.
     "Twins," Nancy repeated, handing one girl to Malcolm.
     "What should we name them?" Geffery asked.
     "Lili," Malcolm said. "I've always wanted a girl named Lili."
     "What about the other one?" Nancy continued.
     There was a pause. Finally, Holly responded, "Lila. Lili and Lila."
     They all agreed silently. Geffery handed Holly Lila and, taking Nancy by the hand, left Holly and Malcolm alone with their children.
     "Malcolm," Holly said urgently. " know how someone's been cooking the meals, and paying the bills, know?"
     "Yes," he replied, staring at his daughter.
     "Well... well, they spoke with me. I couldn't see them, but they spoke with me. The other day. In this room."

Malcolm looked from his daughter to his wife. "Wh... what did they say?"
     "They said that... that they could take our child. They could take care of them." Holly looked away.
     Malcolm didn't respond instantly. "Take... take them?"
     "Yes," Holly replied. "And... I think they should. Take them away, take them somewhere else and take care of them."
     "I love our children," Holly added quickly. "But... I believe it's best for them. We can't take care of them. We're out of money. They deserve better than this."
     "I..." Malcolm seemed at a loss for words. Finally, he said, "I... I agree. They deserve better than this. One day, when we're back on our feet, we'll meet them again. But not now. They deserve better."
     He took both children in his arms and put them each in a crib. "Take care of them," he said into the air. "We will see you again, my children. Just not now."
     Malcolm led Holly from the room, leaving the twins alone.

The twins were gone in the morning.


book_addict247 said...


Isabell said...

Is it just me, or does Malcoms glasses make him look a little like a blond Harry Potter?

singer14 said...

Uhhhhhhhhh...... *sadly disparingly- is that word?*