Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to The Langraabs!

Welcome to the story of a sims 3 family, The Langraabs! Most of you probably came here from my other sims 3 blog, Pride of the Family. This blog will be a bit different, because instead of telling you what the Sims are doing, I will be making up the story (along with pictures, of course).

The Langraabs are a pre-made family of Sunset Valley that basically own everything. They are Nancy, her husband Gefforey, and their son Malcolm.

Nancy insists on "grooming" Malcolm, but he wants to grow in his own direction. In fact, he has a secret that his parents would never dream of.

Across the street lived the Altos. The Altos were the Langraabs worst enemy, and they had a daughter named Holly.

Malcolm and Holly were secretly in love. Every night, Malcolm got home and finished his homework instantly.He then gave Holly a call, whether it was to talk to her or invite her to the beach.

And here is where our story begins.

Malcolm quickly finished his homework and took out his phone to call Holly. "Holly!" he whispered, worried that his parents were near. "Are you free tonight? We could meet at the beach."

"Malcolm!" came Holly's delighted voice. "I'd love to-I'll head out now. See you there!"

Malcolm hung up and began to walk toward the door. "I'm going out, Mother," he called.

"Have you finished your homework?" Nancy asked.

"Yes, Mother. I've checked it, too," Malcolm replied.

"Well...alright," Nancy said. "Be back by dinner!"

Malcolm hurried out the door to the beach, where Holly was waiting for him.

"Holly!" Malcolm said happily as Holly hugged him. "How are you?"

"All right," Holly replied. "It's getting harder to hide this from my parents, though. They gave me a hard time about leaving today."

"Mine, too," Malcolm moaned. "Maybe we should start meeting in different places, so they can't find us."
"Good idea," Holly said, brightening. "How about we meet at the park next time? My parents never go there, they say it's too 'public'."

"Great," Malcolm replied. "We should be getting back, it's getting late, and Mother said to be back before dinner..."
"Aw, already?" Holly groaned. "I barely got to see you! I never see you lately."

"I know," Malcolm mumbled. "My parents are watching me like a hawk."

"I miss you!" Holly cried unhappily. "Call me tomorrow, alright?"

"You got it," Malcolm said. "See you."

Malcolm returned home to find that his mother had cooked dinner.

"You're nearly late," Nancy said sternly.

"Sorry," Malcolm replied. "Er...traffic."

"Well, sit down and have dinner!" Nancy scoffed. Malcolm obeyed.
Malcolm wished he could be eating dinner with Holly at a nearby diner, but that was impossible. His parents were already suspicious of his frequent visits to the beach, what would they think of him eating dinner away as well? Would they finally find his secret?

Malcolm finished dinner and went up to his room. Looking at his computer, he wondered if Holly was online. He walked over to the computer to check. She was!
Malcolm: Holly! You're on!

Holly: Malcolm! Do you have any idea of how dangerous this is? What if our parents catch us, or see the chats if they ever check our computers?

Malcolm: Oh, that's easy. If a parent comes in, log off. Delete the chat when we're done. They won't know!

Holly: I suppose...I just...

Malcolm: Just what?

Holly: I just don't want to be found out, that's all. I don't know what we're going to do when we're older. They'll have to find out at some point, right?

Malcolm: I suppose so. I never really thought about that.

Holly: I just

Malcolm: Holly?

Holly: I think I hear my mom coming. Gotta go, call me tomorrow! Bye!

Malcolm: Bye.
Malcolm deleted the chat and logged off. He felt lost. He hadn't wanted to delete the chat with Holly, in fact, he wanted to save it forever.

By a sudden inspiration, he pulled up a Word Document and titled it, "Love and War". He typed, typed his feelings, why he felt this way. And suddenly, he was writing something...fictional. A character, one much like him. A novel.
It'll have a happy ending, Malcolm thought. It's got to have a happy ending.

And one thing he was sure of, just then, was everything was going to work out.


singer14 said...

Cute, fluffy, sweet, fluffy, mushy, fluffy, dramatic, fluffy...... and did I say fluffy? MAN you sure like your fluff! Mmmmm, marshmallow fluff, that sounds yummyyyy.

Doodledog said...

Hee hee! You know I can't resist adding fluff!

book_addict247 said...

Malcolm looks like a cross between Harry and Draco! I love it! Do you control what they do, or are you making up what they say based on their actions?

Doodledog said...

Ha, he does!

In my Pride of the Family blog, I mostly let them do their own thing (with a slight nudge from me occasionally), but with this one I have a storyline set in stone and control what they do.

book_addict247 said...

Oh cool. I want Sims 3 so badly!!! =)

Doodledog said...

Yes, yes you do.

singer14 said...

When are you updating? I was inspired to write the fluffiest thing ever from this blog and made sure I ate enough salt to balance out all this sweetness... so UPDATE!!! I know you just updated Pride of the Family.... BUT STILLLL!!!

Doodledog said...

Sorry! I did a bunch on the game, but it didn't save and I lost everything! I'll update when I get the chance!

singer14 said...


Del said...

Wow, I really enjoyed this. I sort of started reading Pride Of The Family and came back to read more and saw this instead. Great job! :D

Doodledog said...

Oh haha! Yeah, sometimes I link to this one and sometimes I link to Pride of the Family.

What, Alexandra, what? I serously did a TON, Malcolm and Holly were married and expecting a baby and then it didn't save! I was discouraged.

singer14 said...


Oh, hi Del. :)

p.s. I LOVE GARRY!!!

book_addict247 said...

AHHH! It's been 20 days!! If this awesome blog doesn't get awesomely updated within one week, I'll officially give up on it. But I'll check back on my birthday (same as Kat Everdeen's!!) for a birthday present. =)