Friday, May 20, 2011


Everyone copes with things differently. No one in the Langraab family took the shock well. Every night, they would settle down in the four chairs of an isolated room to talk. They talked about what they had done that day, what was going on in politics, but no one ever mentioned the trouble they were going through. It was as though they were each trying to fill their gaping holes of loneliness.

"I read an amazing book today," Malcolm would say, night after night. "And it inspiried me. I'm working on a new novel. I think you'll like it."
     "Oh, Malcolm, the last book you wrote was wonderful," Holly would respond.
     "Oh, yes, I agree," either Geffery or Nancy would say.

During the day, they would interact individually.
     "It will be so exciting to have a little one running around!" Nancy cooed, although truly worried how they would support the new child.

Holly knew that everyone in the house was worried about the unborn child, but she said nothing. She hoped they would have enough until the child could support themselves.

The only person she expressed some of her worries to was Malcolm. He always knew how to calm her.

Malcolm never showed his doubts around Holly. He knew that she needed all of the support she could get.

Nancy and Geffery were always strong around each other. They never showed any weakness.

The truth was, Nancy was the most worried of them all. She was the one who payed the bills, and the money left in the bank was getting extremely low.

She didn't want to tell anyone. She didn't want anyone to worry. The only person she wanted to tell was Geffery, but she wanted to bring up the subject lightly.

"Can you imagine?" she asked him over a friendly game of chess. "Soon there's going to be another little one around here."
     "I know," Geffery replied, not sure where the conversaion was going. "Remember Malcolm?"
     "Malcolm was a darling," she said. "Hopefully Holly is as lucky."
     There was a pause. Finally, Nancy took a deep breath.
     "We...we're getting a bit low on cash," she said quietly. "I don't know how many more bills I can pay."
     Geffery glanced up. "I know," he replied. "I've been keeping track. I think we can make it a bit longer. It will be okay."
     Nancy breathed a sigh. When Geffery said that, everything seemed so much better.

Everything was going to be okay.


book_addict247 said...


singer14 said...
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singer14 said...


singer14 said...

I deleted my previous comment because it was short one exclamation point. I wanted my awwww to look exactly like Autumn's awww!