Friday, April 29, 2011

Um, surprise?

I'm so sorry I didn't update for so long! First, I went on the blog and did a TON. I even had the entire post planned out, all I had to do was put on the pictures. Then my game went wacky and didn't save correctly. Then my internet went out. One. Thing. After. Another.

But I'm back now! Hang one, this one's rocky :)

After Malcolm became an adult, he wasted no time. He invited Holly over. When she arrived, she ran into Malcolms arms.

"Oh, Malcolm!" she cried. "I'm so sorry, I really am sorry, but my parents found out!"

"I-what?" he asked, confused.

"They looked at my call log," she explained. "And now they won't let me alone! We only have a moment, I think my father followed me here."

Malcolm cast his gaze out the window, and there was Holly's father.

"Is he there?" Holly asked.
"Yes," Malcolm replied. "You should go. But tomorrow, see if you can get away and meet me at the beach."
Holly nodded and Malcolm showed her the back door.

The next day, Malcolm walked to the beach with his stomach tied in knots. He was worried, what would Holly think? And his parents were going to kill him. When he spotted Holly sitting at one of the tables, his fear deepened. He wanted to turn back, but he made himself walk on.
When Holly spotted him, she stood.
"I'm pretty sure I lost them at the bookstore," she said. "But I'm not completely sure, we should be careful."
The sun was beginning to set behind her. It was perfect. Malcolm walked to Holly and knelt on one knee.

"Holly," he said, trying to hide his fear. "I love you. I don't care what my parents say, because I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?"
   Holly stood in shock for a moment. Then she smiled. "Malcolm, of course. I love you, too. My parents can think what they may, but we can make our own decisions."
   Malcolm's mouth was dry. He managed, "Are you sure?"
   Holly laughed. "Yes, Malcolm, I'm sure. But I don't think we could have a big wedding, our parents would never allow it."
   Malcolm stood up. "Actually, I was thinking we could have the Now."
   Holly looked surprised. "Well, that's an idea!" she said. "Sure, why not?"

They exchanged rings as the sun set over the water. Holly was moved into the household, leaving her parents shocked.
   "My parents aren't going to be too happy about it, that's for sure," Malcolm told her as they walked home together. "My dad might be okay, but my mom won't. She's at the gym right now, though, so we have until she gets back. Are you hungry? You could stay in my room and I could bring you something to eat."
   "That sounds great," Holly said, still dazed about what had happened at the beach.
   When they got home, Holly went to Malcolm's room to wait. Just then, Nancy, Malcolm's mother, got home. She ran to Malcolm's room, wanting to check that he was there and not off with that Holly girl.

Shocked and angry, Nancy ran to find Malcolm on the lawn.
   "How could you do this?!" she cried. "She's the enemy, Malcolm! How could you!"
   "Mother, please, you have to understand!" he responded. "I-"
   "I understand perfectly! You want to go and get together with her because we hate her! You're trying to rebel!"
   "Mother, I'm an adult now!" Malcolm yelled, trying to keep his voice steady. "It was my decision!"

Holly heard a disturbance outside and decided to come and face it. When she saw Malcolm so upset, she ran over.
   "Malcolm, what's going on?" she asked.
   "You!" screeched Malcolm's mother. "You're in my house! You get out right now! You stupid vegetarian!"

"Please," Holly begged. "Can't you just understand, we're in love!"

"Understand?!" Nancy screeched. "You don't understand love, you understand betrayal! Our families are enemies, why don't you understand that?"

Holly looked at Malcolm pleadingly. He stepped foreward.

"Mother," he pleaded. "I love Holly, really! I just...I just want you to..."

"To understand?" Nancy whispered. "Malcolm, I don't think you understand. This is not going to work. Either you leave, and never set foot in this house again, or you divorce-that-woman!"


Doodledog said...

Hee hee! She's Mean-Spirited. This was actually mostly out of my control.

Isabell said...

Yaay, finally new post! Seemed like I waited forever! :)

This actually reminds me A LOT of Romeo and Juliet... but more modern I guess...


book_addict247 said...

Isabell, I disagree. Malcolm's old. Keep Holly, but let her father go protective-daddy-Hitler on Malcolm.

singer14 said...

Poor Nancy. She gets such a bad wrap. :(

Doodledog said...

Don't worry, she redeems herself in the next post (which I am attempting to work on now).

book_addict247 said...


singer14 said...
